The last time I wrote about how I startedto play the guitar, and now I'll explain how I began to play the ukelele.
It was september in 2013 when I felt bored because of the routine. I was stucked in a rut and I needed something new to my life. In that time I listened to songs which has the sound of a ukelele and I always thought "it could be funny to play that little instrument!" Thanks to what I had said, my desire to have and play an ukelele increased so much that my parents, in the 6th of january, gave one. I was really amazed! I could finally play the songs I like, without any difficulty!I kept playing it in 2014 all the year; its sound is really funny, relaxing and beautiful.
Most people ask me in a strange way if I really play the ukelele, and I proudly say yes, that I learnt by myself. It is not a common instrument like the trumpet or the violin which a lot of people play. Ukelele is different, it gives you a touch of interest and coolness.
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